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How Electric Engines Work: EV Powertrains Explained

Discover how electric engines work, from magnetism to regenerative braking. Learn the advantages of EVs and the future of electric vehicle technology.

Ever wondered how EVs get from A to B? Is it essentially the same as an internal combustion car but wired up to a giant battery? Or is there some altogether more subtle trickery afoot? Join us today as we pop the frunk and ask: How exactly do electric engines work?

Surprisingly, the operating principle behind most modern electric vehicles pre-dates the internal combustion engine by a number of decades. In 1834, a Dutch professor named Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, Netherlands, built his own small electric vehicle. The catch? Its battery was non-rechargeable.

The Fundamental Principle: Magnetism in Electric Motors

The fundamental principle that drives electric cars is magnetism. Everybody knows how opposing poles on a magnet attract and how like poles repel each other. Let’s imagine an experiment using two magnets:

  • One magnet is fixed
  • The other magnet is mounted on a nearby rotating shaft

If the two poles nearest to each other on both magnets share the same polarity (say, north to north), the magnet on the shaft will be repelled. Because it’s attached to a shaft, the shaft will turn until the south pole on the shaft magnet is aligned with the north pole on the fixed magnet. At this point, the shaft will again be still.

In our imaginary experiment, we’ve made the shaft turn a half rotation. All very well, but that won’t get us very far on the morning commute. Here’s where electromagnetism enters the chat.

The Role of the Inverter in Electric Cars

In a fixed or permanent magnet, like the kind you have on your fridge at home, those magnetic poles are rigid and never change. North is always north; south is always south. On an electromagnet, however, which is essentially a core of metal coiled in electrical wires, this magnetic polarity can be reversed.

The real trick to making a magnet spin, which is essentially how electric motors work, is through the so-called inverter. The inverter module on the EV draws direct current (DC) from the car battery and, through a clever combination of quick switches, slick circuitry, and capacitors, flips the flow of electrons back and forth nearly 60 times a second.

Domestic electric motors, like the one you have in your hairdryer, don’t require an inverter. Why? Because the current that comes from your wall outlet already flips back and forth. That’s why it’s named alternating current (AC).

Advantages of Electric Powertrains over Internal Combustion Engines

Electric powertrains have a number of advantages over the internal combustion engine:

  • The motion produced by the motor is already rotary in nature
  • EVs are less likely to fail or require expensive, time-consuming maintenance
  • The vehicle’s speed and torque can be finely calibrated by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the inverter’s newly created AC current
  • When the shaft-mounted magnet (rotor) is spun, it generates electricity, recharging the car battery during braking (regenerative braking)

Types of Electric Motors and Ongoing Refinements

There are different types of electric motors, and refinements to the design are happening all the time, not least at one particular Californian car company named for the 19th-century genius who discovered the magic of alternating current by himself: Nikola Tesla.

The Future of Electric Vehicles

As EVs continue to gain popularity and adoption, potential developments in electric engine technology could further enhance their performance and efficiency. These advancements, coupled with the role of EVs in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change, make them an increasingly attractive option for environmentally conscious consumers.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How long does it take to charge an electric car?

A: Charging times vary depending on the vehicle and the type of charger used. Level 1 (120V) charging can take 8-12 hours, while Level 2 (240V) charging can take 4-6 hours. Some EVs also support fast charging, which can provide an 80% charge in as little as 30 minutes.

Q: What is the range of electric cars?

A: The range of electric cars varies by model, with some offering as little as 100 miles per charge and others providing over 400 miles. Most modern EVs have a range between 200-300 miles, which is sufficient for the average daily commute.

Q: Are electric cars more expensive than gasoline-powered cars?

A: While the upfront cost of an electric car may be higher than a comparable gasoline-powered vehicle, the long-term costs of ownership can be lower due to reduced fuel and maintenance expenses. Additionally, many governments offer incentives and tax credits to encourage the adoption of EVs.

What do you think? Will your next vehicle be an EV? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe for more electrifying tech content!